Saturday, 1 June 2013

What & Where is Life Energy?

 "The primordial creative energy affects the whole person and not just a mere fragment - it is creation uncontaminated by thought; the creative tide in us that flows outward."
 - martial arts legend Bruce Lee

In this current electronic age it would be a rarity for one not to posses or depend on, a computer or some kind of technological product. As with any machine that serves us, we naturally take care and maintain it. Our laptop, i pad, i phone, mobile phone are only 'alive' with power surging through them when plugged into a power source or after being charged up from a power source.Then we install all sorts of programs to enable us to perform multitude of functions, accomplish tasks and connect far and wide. We have the ability and power to make choices on what to create, store and delete.

Likewise, we human beings are not too different in many regards. This body is our physical capsule in this journey of life. The life force, living energy, chi, prana is what propels that capsule to being alive. But the living human capsule is not just an empty shell. With life force surging through each organ, vein and cell, a whole myriad of compounding systems of energy continues into microscopic, atomic and subatomic levels. The living universe within us is as infinite as the living universe out there beyond us. We are energy and all around us everything alive and living is energy.

Like a computer we need to care, sustain and maintain our living machine, for while this living energy is contained in a limited human capsule, it is subjected to excess (power surge), depletion, malfunction and total break down.We need to recharge by plugging into our power source. What is our power source?

Nature exudes life. Life energy surrounds us in the pure air, water, sun, trees, plants, animal, other living beings. Getting out there and inhaling fresh air and sunshine into our bodies, soaking them in through our senses, consuming wholesome pure foods, sharing and receiving love and laughter; all recharge and revitalize our life force. Regular moderate physical activities and energy arts like yoga, taichi, qigong and martial arts aid the flow of our life energy. Taking time to slow down, maintaining our own spiritual or peaceful practices where we directly plug into our source of being is essential for replenishing. This then naturally allows clarity and resourcefulness to arise effortlessly. As with a computer, continuous usage without recharging will simply deplete until it goes flat. Likewise, we can choose to discard and delete unwanted files of memories, thought patterns and emotional wounds that don't serve us but pollute our system. Cleaning out old unwanted files will allow more space for new, and improve the overall efficiency of our system.

The gift of living energy as a human being enables us to experience, enjoy, create and connect. Let us be wise and exercise our choices in maintaining that balance viz that connection to our source. Stay in tuned with the flow and balance. For unlike a computer, this journey of life in this particular human machine cannot be thrown out and replaced with a newer model every time we run it to the ground.

Love & Light to all,
Patsie :-)

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