Sunday, 9 June 2013

Integrative Health

"Good health is all about balance. It is about the integration of many levels of our being, not just the physical. But the three most obvious and significant are the mind, body and spirit. The human body is not just flesh and bones but also a brain and mind that control the body. The spirit is the living essence or life force in the body. Attending to one aspects without the others is limiting and creates instability. When we awaken we naturally flow toward aligning the mind and body with our living spirit." (Excerpt from Awaken Our Spirit Within, Chapter 13 Health)

As a therapist in the holistic health and healing industry for the past 12 years, part of my meditation every morning continues to include the mantra to center in "..May I hold myself with compassion, may I meet the ignorance and suffering of others with compassion."

As I treat clients from all walks of life. I witness the pain, suffering and amassable fear that most humans choose to be engulfed in. In the area of health, especially in the affluent west, we are experiencing increases in cases of chronic illnesses and imbalances of mind and body. Could this be because the third, or perhaps more rightly, first element in the complete picture is absent? Where is the spirit? Do we know who we are? Do we know and are we connected to the core of our true self?

Perhaps we ourselves or people we know, friends and family are living with cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease, high cholesterol, diabetes, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, migraines, hormonal disorders, auto-immune conditions, allergies, depression, anxiety, substance abuse, addictions, and the list goes on. Meanwhile the massive pharmaceuticals and medical industries are ready and available to cater for the sick and diseased. Illnesses and diseases are big business. And with the advent of technology, every minute imperfection or disorder is pinpointed into a diagnosis. Then when one is 'diagnosed' with something it is often misperceived as the infliction of an unjust attack or a random curse, the deliberate intention of life to destroy us, resulting in immense fear and suffering as a powerless victim.

Let's step way out and look at the big picture. If we are awakened and know who we truly are, then the big perspective is clear: imbalance is an inevitable possibility in this physical world that we humans have consciously and unconsciously driven to disruption. These chronic dysfunctions, illnesses and diseases are simply symptoms and products of our choices thus far in our lives and our world. The truth is, the depletion in the quality of your foods, environment and lifestyle is playing havoc with your internal bodies. The fast paced materialism and consumerism we allow ourselves to get caught up in push our bodies and minds toward endless striving, competing, exploiting and self-centeredness. So it is not a random curse or an unjust attack by life, nature or God. It is the karmic cycle of life. The choices we make in what we allow into our lives, bodies and mind, and what we project out to others and the environment, is simply what returns. The higher purpose of our short or long journey in this particular life is also part of the big picture. The lessons we obtain from healing on all levels of our being - mental, emotional and physical will awaken, evolve and mature our spirit. That is our true purpose. As painful as the reality is, we are actually not here to be immortal. Each journey of life contains experiences and roles we enjoy and play toward our higher purpose.

So with the big picture in mind, and staying aligned with our source and true being, we are conscious and aware. We make well informed, wise and conscious choices for the well being of ourselves, others, our environment and our future. We choose wholesome organic foods and pure water for our bodies, moderate exercise to expand our lungs, oxygenate blood and pump our lymph.We ensure adequate sleep and rest for repair and rejuvenation, lots of sunshine and fresh air for energy and Vit D. We choose positive and empowering thoughts for creating joy and peace for self and others. We do not suppress but allow ourselves to feel all range of human emotions, then express and release them safely. We choose to heal from painful past and let go and forgive. We make time for connecting with others - sharing, hugging, laughing, helping, giving. We follow our passions and enjoy things that make us smile on the inside - go dancing, singing, running, painting, camping, etc. We can't help but not suffer, we enjoy every present moment to the full and are at peace with whatever turbulence that arises for us to learn and change; for we choose to anchor in what is real and unshakeable, our true source, our infinite being.

"Within you is the infinite and the infinite is contained in this present moment." -Patsie Smith

Thank you for connecting.
With Love and Light,

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