Saturday, 16 February 2013

Life Energy

Note: writings about our soul, spirit, essence, true self, higher self, core and heart refer to that within us beyond the physical mind and body that we each know. The fact that we are open, reading, hearing and always learning is indication that we are already awake and aware to that innate true self within us. Our awareness is an endless journey of learning. Often these writings are on matters we already know, 'hear all the time', or maybe something new or from a new perspective. Regardless, be open and let them serve as reminders of our own innate knowing and wisdom. Quotes, texts and links sometimes used as references do not indicate affiliation with any particular group, person, concept, religion or belief system. It simply refers to the universal essence that is pure and undifferentiated beneath us all.

Hi all,

Happy new calendar year and happy new lunar year (to all who embrace eastern cultures)! Time is progressing on, each day we get older (in human terms) and wiser (in spirit terms), or so we should. I will resist the urge to apologize again for the inconsistency in my blogging regularity. By now most of you who follow my blog will know that writings come when they can fit into the flow of life. Perhaps eventually it will lead into some kind of serious commitment. I did write a blog on The Mayan Prophecy before Christmas with sincere wishes to all for a festive season. But guess what? Just realized forgot to publish it. So just published it this week, a belated end of year 2012 blog :-)

Welcome and a genuine hello to all readers who tune into this blog from afar beyond the land of Oz. Thank you and it is an honor (with a bow) to be able to share and connect with you on a page like this, which started off as just a modest page for words to family, friends, clients and students.The privilege of embracing the advent of modern technology enables the global connection of like minded souls, which in the past would never have been possible.. Please feel free to drop a hello or comment sometime, if you wish..

The title of this blog, Life Energy is not foreign to those of us who are awake and aware. Life force, living energy, chi, prana, ki are all terms used to denote this life energy that we are beyond the physical and limited. It is the reason why we are a moving, living, growing organism and exist in a living, growing, changing environment - part of the gift of the manifestation of the wholeness of life.

The course of life has taught me lots through my own self-healing from various dysfunctional pasts and just recently, major energy depletion a couple of years ago. Also I have and still work with countless clients through their journeys with depleted life energies. We have all experienced this predicament at one time or another, at times and for some, worse than other. Final depletion is of course physical death.This is eventually inevitable for the physical form is limited and finite. Life energy within our human body as within all other physical forms go through cycles of expansion and contraction, from the beginning of physical life, and back towards the end of physical life. If we understand, respect, honor and work with this natural flow, we can heal, thrive, and enjoy the journey of life, within the peaceful backdrop of our infinite reality.

So with this topic I will endeavor to share many wisdom and knowledge that I have been privileged to experience and gather on my life-long journey of exploration and learnings in all matters of energy arts. This blog will be the start of a series of blogs to present the wisdom in harnessing, sustaining, restoring, balancing our internal and external energies for the health of our physical self, and the planetary environment that connects and supports us. For it is simply our innate desire to sustain this physical vessel in which we are privileged through which to manifest, create and connect.

When we are awake and aware, our spirit is alive - we feel alive, we connect,we are in tuned. 
Hence, first and foremost, one has to wake up to their true self, their spirit, that which is beyond their physical and limited mind, body, flesh and bones - as a reality experience and shift. It is only through this reality shift that the journey through working with energy will be possible and enjoyable. However, even if we are unsure but we recognize and are open, the exploration into energy studies and arts will inevitably lead to the beautiful awakening and then growing and blossoming of our spirit. So enjoy this journey with me: you will be presented with ancient energy arts like yoga, taichi, qiqong; which are sourced from and lead to meditation. We will explore all forms of meditation. Then we will explore physical health - lifestyles, sports, nutrition, and mind health - thoughts and emotions, all in the context of our wholesome spirit. So see you at the next blog: What and Where Is Life Energy?

Small note: Thank you again for your patience re:my upcoming book - Awaken Our Spirit Within. It is in final production stage, exciting times. Should be within the time frame of a few weeks. When launched/ go live, I might have to switch blog page to my webpage blog on my publisher's website. Our topics will continue, and will definitely keep you informed. So please watch this space.

Thank you for tuning in.
With Love & Light,

Please watch and enjoy this beautiful song by Omkara; an all time favorite of my heart. Please hear with your heart, allow your spirit to hear and awaken. We all know. If we are still in slumber, we have only forgotten....

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