Wednesday, 12 December 2012

The Mayan Prophecy

Note: writings about our spirit, soul, essence, true self, higher self, core and heart refer to that within us beyond our physical mind and body that we each know. The fact that we are open, reading, hearing and always learning is indication that we are already awake and aware to that innate true self within us. Our awareness is an endless journey of learning. Often these writings are on matters we already know, 'hear all the time', or maybe something new or from a new perspective. Regardless, be open and let them serve as reminders of our own innate knowing and wisdom. Quotes, texts and links sometimes used as references do not indicate any affiliation with any particular group, person, concept, religion or belief system. It simply refers to the universal essence that is pure and undifferentiated beneath us all.

Hi all

Forgive me for my lapse in blogging for a good month or so, though I said I would try and post a blog every fortnight to keep in touch. Life has been hectic. Studying, working, juggling home and parental duties and more extensive stages of editing with the publisher's team for my upcoming book. Book's still coming, thank you for your patience. Many have asked and had hoped it would be ready as Xmas presents but unfortunately the book will take its own time and be ready when its meant to be. This sees me continuing in the refining and polishing of the manuscript through burning the midnight lamp, it's becoming very shiny now. When ready for release, the book will speak clearly to everyone's heart with a powerful message appropriate and in line with us embarking into 2013 and beyond. Stay posted.

Lately, I've been asked by some for my opinion on this matter of 21/12/2012  and could not help but detect presence of mass and subtle nervousness, uncertainties and fear, with all the media and social hype about the 'end of times'. Social and mass media love drama, suspense and to a great extent, fear. Bad and frightening news sell and spread like wildfire. Whether conscious or unconscious, humans through the advent of our fast paced and advanced technology these days, seem to enjoy feeding fear with more fear. As human beings, if we are unconscious and unaware to our true self, generally we live with an underlying fear of life and the perceived threat towards the end of life. All major dysfunctions of a global and individual nature have their roots in fear. When we do not know who we truly are, life begins when we are physically born and dies when we take our last human breath, and all of living goes towards sustaining and protecting this limited perception of self in physical form. Everything and everyone else that do not fall within our prescribed expectations, desires and needs are perceived as separate, different and a threat to our well being and survival. The fear of extinction is the greatest fear of all for any physical life form. Survival is an instinct. Hence, this root of fear manifests into anger, hate, hoarding, suffering, violence,abuse, war and all sorts of demented, dysfunctional behaviours.

When we are awake, aware and conscious, we know who we truly are, as life is our very own experiential reality.We know we are more than just this physical flesh , bones and brain. Who we are is Life itself. Life does not have a beginning or an end. Its an infinite cycle. What/who we truly are is beyond concept of space, time or distance. Life is not linear, simply continues in some form or non-form. Try pulling out weeds, they continue to sprout. Kill germs with antibiotics, they mutate. Each human lifetime is but just a journey. Births and deaths are simply doorways into multitudes of journeys. When we know who we truly are, there is no Fear.

However, when we know who we truly are, we are manifestations of Life itself. We are unconditional love, compassion, peace and wholeness. We manifest into myriad forms to experience, enjoy, create, share and connect from our underlying wholeness. Many are already aware and awaken to this reality and that is what is meant by the end of the old era, of ignorance, fear and suffering. And the beginning of a new era. What has been prophesied by the ancient Mayans is the beginning of a new age, an Age of Awakening, Golden Age, Age of Transformation & Purification. In fact, we are now at very privileged times, for human consciousness has collectively evolved to such a level that our ultimate truth and reality is now a possible realisation for each and every single individual. The truth of our divinity is now not just the exclusive domain of mystics, sages and masters who meditate for decades on mountain tops or study under seclusion in monasteries. The reality of our true self, our spirit, our divinity is a personal realisation accessible by all. And to awaken to this in every single individual is the key to collectively ripple into our family, friends, community, world and universe. This awakening and growth will collectively raise the energetic vibration of humanity towards a new era. The end of the age of fear and the beginning into the age of love and connection with and as life. However, each and every single one of us plays a role in making the choice. Do we choose to remain fearful and ignorant? Which may see us end up destroying life in this form as we know it, and perhaps the beginning of another unknown?
Do we have the courage to choose openness, to hear the truth, then the courage to let go of all that we are not, learn, change, heal and allow transformation into our lives? Our individual transformation is what will enable our global and universal transformation.

So 21/12/2012 heralds the celebration towards a new era of conscious awakened living, if such is our choice.

Have a merry, peaceful and loving Xmas season.
Spare a thought/prayer or lend a hand to the less privileged in our world, and refrain from excessive overindulgences - not so good for our bodies and soul :-)
Take care.
Love & Light,
Patsie xo

Watch & hear:

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