Saturday, 18 January 2014

Soul Living

Dear beautiful souls,

Most of us have been conventionally brought up and conditioned from early childhood, throughout  adolescence, teens and young adulthood in the typical belief and value system of our current social, education and economic model. This idealized model is growing up fitting into the expectations of a society that is geared toward the conventional system of education - preschool, to primary to high school, college, university, then get a well-paid job, get married, have a home, a mortgage, the picket fence, family wagon, the average two and the half children, a loving spouse, more successful income, retirement and live happily ever after. Thrown in amongst all that, of course we must always make sure we keep up with the Jones'. But then what? Perhaps for some this may be their life purpose. Some souls however, become conscious of this trance of limitation earlier in their life journeys and try to opt out. They may tend to make different choices, have different outlook and head down different paths. Others may come to some kind of awareness at mid-life crisis point, and sadly many others get to the end of their lives before realizing the futility of a model that is unrealistic and empty, that do not follow their soul path and purpose - their reason for being here in this world as a human being. 

Regardless of where and which point you are at in life, it is time to look within. For that is your whole purpose for being here. You are not here to be a daughter/son, parent, grandparent, friend, lover, teacher, butcher, baker, candlestick maker. These are your roles in this play and journey of life, for you to grow, learn, experience and evolve as a soul. When you know and honor your soul path, life naturally flows with joy, magic and purpose.

Q: So how do I know my soul path? How do I know my purpose?
A: By knowing your inner spirit.
Q: How do I know my inner spirit?
A: By being awakened to it.
Q: How do I awaken to it?
A: By returning to that silence deep within yourself, that powerful silence that has no name, but that you know.
Q: How do I know whether or not my spirit is already awakened?
A: As a human being we do feel a whole array of emotions, part of the whole beauty and tapestry of life. So we are not referring to emotions. When you are sad, unhappy, exhausted, unwell, are you still at peace? When you are well, are you at peace? Does your heart smile and dance on the inside? In general, do you feel your heart and spirit soaring with love and connection for all living beings and this journey of living?

When you know your silence within, and it is fully awake within you, you can't help but transform. A living spirit will naturally flush waves of change, healing, growth and learning into and through you, bringing with them excitement, new frontiers, possibilities, spontaneity and purpose.
Similarly, when you come to forks in the road on your path in life, check in with that silence. Put the mental brain on the back seat for a short while and listen to the intuition and silent wisdom of your heart. The right path will reveal itself and you will know, for you will have peace and feel a soaring within. Spirit resides in the heart, not the head.

Thank you for connecting.

With love, light and Blessings to you,

Patsie Smith is a spiritual author, health and healing facilitator, energetic kinesiologist, remedial massage therapist, meditation and yoga teacher. She lives in Perth, Australia.

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