Thursday, 20 September 2012

Love our internal body

Note: Writings about our spirit, soul, essence, true self, higher self, core and heart refers to that within us beyond our physical mind & body that we each know. The fact that we are open, reading, hearing and always learning indicates that we are already awake and aware to that true self within us. Our awareness is an endless journey of learning.On this blog, writings may be on topics that we already know, 'hear all the time', or maybe something new or from a new perspective. Regardless,be open and let them serve as reminders of our own innate knowing and wisdom, and if we know better and more, please be open to share.
Quotes, texts and links sometimes recommended and used as references do not indicate any affiliations with particular lineage, concept, religion or belief system. What is written conveys from and refers to the essence that is pure and universal beneath us all. 

Hi all

Excuse the couple of weeks break from blogging, have been caught up with a few exciting events in life. The edited manuscript of my upcoming book 'Awaken' needed to be compiled before being able to be handed over to the publishing stages, so that took every bit of spare time in between working, housekeeping, food shopping, cooking, loving & supporting the children, walking the dog, self care and rest.
Then about a week ago, was privileged to take myself through the amazing experience of a  self liver cleanse technique that was recommended by a good friend, thank you Rosemary :-) Long time aryuvedic medicine practitioner and healer Andreas Moritz who has written quite a few books 'Cancer is not a Disease', the 'The Liver & Gallbladder Miracle Cleanse' and the comprehensive 'Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation' has solid scientific knowledge but conveys knowledge of the human body & health through an enlightened mind and perspective. Being in line & on the same wavelength with his understanding and wisdom through my own intuitive feel, I undertook his home liver cleanse technique which saw the removal of gallstones and liver stones (intrahepatic stones) from my wonderful insides which helped towards the self healing of my liver (which has been subjected to much use and abuse in the past) and my digestive system (which had borne much emotional stresses in the past). Only a week on, and along with many little changes to dietary lifestyles, my digestive system is already 100% improved and energy levels restored 100%. My hayfever has improved 50% and peripheral neuralgia in left arm 50%. The second cleanse might progress the healing even further. What's more, find I don't need that 1 cup of coffee/day anymore, coffee can now be enjoyed and savoured as the occasional treat :-) Seem to eat less and have more energy, makes sense, a balanced digestive system entails efficient uptake of nutrients and processing into energy.    
Our body is an ingenious intelligent machine. Apart from the brain, the liver is the next most important organ in our body. Apart from digestion, it filters and detoxifies, hence affects every other organ and system through the blood and lymph i.e. our immune system, our brain, heart, lungs, stomach, bowels, reproductive organs, skin. The liver works hard when we work hard, mentally, emotionall, physically. It is at the forefront of cleansing everything that we ingest into us, and every bit we suppress and generate within our bodies. Fear and anger results in toxic biochemical reactions and compositions and energy blockages to the liver. As a living spirit with the privilege and gift to live, enjoy, experience, learn, grow and create in a human lifetime, we owe it to our true essence to maintain and take good care of this precious vessel. Listening to and working with our body, this vessel, with love and respect, is a rewarding journey, as it is a living thing with an intelligent capacity and life span.

The importance of drinking lots of water, I stress this to every client all the time, must sound like a 'broken record', some do 'switch off' and choose not to hear it. 6-8 glasses of pure water, on top of, but not just tea, herbal tea, cordial, soft drinks, juice, milk, coffee; is crucial for health of our body and mind. We are 70% water; all organs, systems and processes in the body require water or some element from the water compound to function at optimum. Put a slice of lemon into your glass of water, garnish it with an umbrella or cherry if water simply does not appeal to you. In time you will love it when you can feel the effects and benefits of sufficient water. Working on musculature everyday, and as all physical therapists will tell you because we feel them with our hands, muscles dehydrate with insufficient water. They are congested, 'blocked', the fascia that surrounds bundle of muscles stick, and individual fibres of muscles stick to each other. How can blood, lymph and nerve impulses flow? Blood transports oxygen and nutrients to cells and wastes away, lymph is our immune system, and nerve impulses innervates muscles. Muscles include not just our outer body movement muscles, but muscles of our internal organs such as heart, lungs, liver, bowels, brain etc. Please watch attached link documentary on 'Water- The Great Mystery'. A somewhat long doco but well worth it, better than a Hollywood movie. Grab yourself a couple of pieces of fruits, a glass of water or two, sit back, relax and watch the film, you'll be greatly amazed and enlightened.

We beautify our outer selves; shower everyday, wear beautiful clothes, spray attractive scents over ourselves, put some make-up on (women), shave, get a haircut, some colour, perm, straighten, go for facials, manicure, pedicure, groom ourselves to look, smell and feel good on the outside. Do we do the same for our insides? Do we care, nourish, sustain, heal and love our internal organs; and conduct daily emotional and mental housekeeping to ensure we harbour love, compassion, kindness, tolerance, forgiveness, understanding and positivity towards others and ourselves? Let's love our internal body, as much as we love our external appearance.

Love & Light,

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