Friday, 27 December 2013

Reflection 2013 and Transformation 2014

"When we know who we truly are, we know that life is infinite. It never had a beginning and will never have an end. Life continues in infinite cycles. We have intuitively known this from the beginning of human times. The symbol of life in all cultures from the Celtic to the Tibetan, is infinity in various forms, all amazingly depicting no beginning and no end. Such symbols emanate from that infinite space that is the real us. Life will continue. It may express itself in various forms or non-forms, but it will always find a way to endure. Try pulling out weeds and they continue to grow, kill germs with antibiotics and they mutate. Life transforms but cannot end." 
Excerpt from Ch17,  Awaken Our Spirit Within by Patsie Smith

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Dear everyone,

The end of another year brings with it a time of reflection on what has come, is going and will be gone. And new beginnings and possibilities as we embark onto 2014. Linear time is a concept created by human beings, our true reality is simply continuous infinite cycles. Ask any other life form e.g. a dog or a tree "How old are you?" "What year is it?" and it is irrelevant to them. At the end of 2012, there were fears and anxiety among the general masses, spurred on by mainstream media, of the end of the world - catastrophic end for humanity. The awakened and conscious beings of the world however, were far from fearful. They celebrated the turning point into the start of a new era, of awakened consciousness. So now we have come to the end of 2013, one year on, and we're all still here. The world has not ended!

However, 2013 has been year of major shifts, both on an individual and a global level. As we review all the events that have occurred in our personal lives and the world around us this year, I would like to invite you to come on a journey of reflection with a heart of wisdom and love. To do this let us view this year from the angle of gratitude, be it just quietly in yourself or physically writing them down on a gratitude journal. As you reflect on all the events and experiences in your personal life this year, some might have been very obvious ones to be thankful for, e.g. got the dream job you wanted, fell in love and in a happy relationship, gave birth to your beautiful baby, recovered from an illness, went on an amazing holiday trip abroad, etc. etc. List down all those obvious wonderful events, for they are indeed blessings to be grateful for. Then comes the other side of the coin, the events and experiences that were sad, stressful, traumatic or tragic. Reflecting on them with wisdom through the eyes of gratitude means viewing what lessons resulted from them, what events and people those 'negative' events/experiences led you to, which contributed to something 'good' after, or which has brought you to where you are today, or to the growth of your inner strength and spirit. Similarly, view what transformation and growth these life events have contributed to the inner spirit of those you love and who are close to you. You will realize that there is so much to be grateful for, beneath all those 'unfavorable' events. For that is our true purpose in this life journey -for our soul to evolve, create and experience. 

In reflecting on the bigger picture in line with our oneness with all of life, our world has undoubtedly been experiencing some major shifts this year. Our natural environment appears to be at crisis point with about 80% of the world's forests having been degraded or destroyed, and we are experiencing the worst rate of species extinction (of plants and animals) since the loss of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. While the natural rate of plant and animal extinction rate is about 1 to 5 species per year, we are now witnessing the loss of species at 1000-10,000 times the natural rate, and the major cause is human impact. Our current world population at 7 billion continues to grow at the rate of 1.14% p.a. leading to increased food demands and consumerism. This leads to further pillaging of our limited natural resources. Deforestation in the Amazon (Brazil) had risen by 28% over the last year and continues to be on the agenda in every other part of the world from the British Columbia forests in Canada to the South East Asian rainforests. Corporations are choosing to drill for oil in the pristine Arctic instead of investing in clean sustainable energy. Planet earth consists of 70% ocean but only 1% is protected. Everyday unwise politicians and corporations are continuously making short-sighted and ignorant decisions by signing up bigger and more profitable fossil fuel projects, contributing further toward depletion and degradation.

Our plant-based food sources are threatened by power and money controlling corporations with more widespread use of pesticides, genetically modifying our foods and controlling our seeds. The conventional medical system is being shaken, as they are unable to cure people as they continue to get sicker with chronic degenerative and inflammatory illnesses from younger ages than ever before. Chronic stressful living from continuous striving toward endless material wants, the high consumption of processed foods, sedentary and anti-social lifestyles of technology-driven cultures have all led to the decline and loss of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Conspiracies and corruption are rife in all traditional areas of power and trust - political leaderships, financial and banking, media, medical and pharmaceuticals, food and water. Meanwhile wars, crimes, violence, social and family dysfunctions, and homelessness continue to climb, the impoverished continue to starve, and humans continue to spiral into despair. This absolute global disarray and disharmony is a reflection of the individual's dysfunction. The illusion and hypnosis of 'separation' is the underlying root cause of our current state, as humans in general have become disconnected from their spirit, their source, essence, God. Those who worship a 'God' but only know it as a separate belief, concept or entity is still caught in the 'separation' disorder. Separation from our source entails separation from each other, which breeds fear, rivalry, greed, anger, hatred and destruction. Only a reality shift within each one of us through oneness with our source will result in unity and harmony with everything around us. We may wonder, "how then do we feel gratitude?" 

The current state of our world and lives, though tragic, are major shifts. Let us view again from the other side of the coin. This physical life and our physical world consist of polarities. We can't have one without the other, and for every action and choice, there is a consequence. Without night there would not be a day, without light there will be no darkness, without up no down. This period is distinct in that the polarity seems to have somewhat reached its crisis point. As with any crisis point, what follows naturally is a total overhaul, or a break down of the existing and the emergence of a new, for cycles to continue.

We have gratitude for despite the apparent despair, this year has seen the culmination into the peak of spiritual growth and awakening in humankind. Spirituality is growing as an inner reality and not just an outer and separate belief system. Awareness is as astute on one pole as the imbalance of ignorance is on the other pole. The rising vibrations of love and compassion by all awakened and conscious souls are as powerful as the fear and destruction on the other pole. Although technology may be misused for fear, control and false propaganda, nevertheless it is also the mean that is accessible for freedom of knowledge, information and research when used with conscious and wise discretion. Hence, corruption, exploitation, injustice and potential devastation can and have been exposed. We have gratitude, for in a paradoxical way, this crisis point brings with it a major re-education and revolution in human rights, medical, foods, environmental, pharmaceutical, chemical, political, financial, and religious systems. All the old systems are breaking down. Increasingly, we are waking up to truths and getting ourselves objectively informed, educated and united toward transforming ourselves, hence, our world. By reclaiming our own spirit, using our intelligence and individual discretion, and making our own conscious choices - we are healing ourselves and others, and helping to protect, rejuvenate and heal our planet and all species that live upon it.

Armed troops are putting down weapons and marching with the population in solidarity against political corruption. People from all walks of life are voicing out, taking actions, educating and uniting others, and working toward change. The organic and bio-dynamic food industries are sweeping across the globe, people around the world are voicing out and taking a stand against GMO foods, growing foods in their own backyards, returning to simple lifestyles and working together as communities toward sustainable living. People are taking responsibility for their own health by making wise food choices, cooking wholesome foods and taking time to exercise, connect with family, friends, local  and global communities and with their natural environment. Natural health and medicines are the preferred choices to chemicals and drugs for health and healing.

Environmental protection organizations are at the fore front with the work for our nature conservation. This year The WWF has successfully stopped oil exploration in Virunga National Park in Africa, worked with African And US leaders in stronger enforcements for wild life crimes, curbed the sharks fin trade, increased Nepal's tiger population by 63% since their protection in 2009. Earth Hour 2013 has seen the Russian government making amendments to forest legislation and the Argentine Senate to the creation of a 3.4 million hectare marine protection area. Wetlands in Peru were rehabilitated and wildlife returned after the pollution caused by oil drilling was cleaned up. The Sumatran tigers and rhinos of Borneo have been saved through sustainable palm oil programs. For these and more, we are thankful.

The world communities rallied together and donated millions to help victims of  natural disasters from floods to earthquakes.. Various organizations like Make Poverty History, Oxfam, Unicef, and the Red Cross continue to get food and water to those in need through every penny that is donated by all generous souls. Every day there are countless souls working tirelessly and unconditionally out there in Medecins Sans Frontiers, Mother Theresa Hospital in Calcutta, various orphanages and refuges in Burma, Laos, Africa, the Middle East. Even here in our own backyard, the many many souls who quietly contribute their time and care in soup patrols, youth centres, animal shelters, etc. or simply helping the lonely neighbor in need. Our spirit and essence is pure, unconditional love and compassion. And we are grateful for the evidence of that all around us.

Spirituality is evolving from institutions and rituals into a personal reality deep within each heart. A return to this stillness is the shift that transforms the individual which then ripples into the collective. Every single one of us is a drop that causes a ripple in the ocean. Every day people are awakening and enlightening. Many highly evolved souls live among us from all walks of life, from scientists, doctors, musicians to 'average' man or woman down the street. All bringing forth with them wisdom, new creations, ideas and innovations to take us into a new era where we will not just survive and live, but thrive - in unity, harmony and oneness.

We have gratitude for this and so much more. For while humanity and our planet appears to be at a crisis point, it is also a turning point, 2013. Turning points may entail an unnerving sense of stepping into the unknown, such is the nature of shifts and transformation. If we stay fully anchored in the source of our being, we have the courage, trust and wisdom to embark into 2014 embracing conscious transformation. Let us move from fear-based to love-based consciousness. Let us not get engaged and caught up in sensationalism and fear-based mainstream media hype. Humanity is always faced with all sorts of challenges and our world is constantly changing and evolving. If we keep our spirit centered and our minds intelligently informed, our higher and pure intentions will guide us in making conscious choices everyday. The bigger picture is never simply 'black vs white', 'right vs wrong' or 'good vs bad'. Our best intentions will allow the bigger picture to take care of itself and spin its own cycle. May we continue to grow and foster our already awakened spirit on its journey of infinite possibilities - to create, experience and evolve, in facilitating transformation. May we continue to integrate our inner reality of truth into our outer world. Once the collective higher vibration reaches critical mass, transformation will ripple through into waves, and this is already starting to happen. Remember, it has been said, "There is no darkness. Darkness is simply the absence of light." Humankind may have consciously and unconsciously chosen the absence of light for far too long. The key to transformation is for each and every soul to awaken into their spirit and essence, their light.

I would like to share this beautiful video as we carry this beautiful mantra/prayer into 2014....please read the words in the video, enjoy !

With Light, Love and Blessings for 2014,

Patsie Smith is a spiritual author, remedial massage therapist, energetic kinesiologist, meditation and yoga teacher.
She lives in Perth, Australia.


Sunday, 15 December 2013

The true spirit of this festive season

Dear everyone,

It's that time of the year again, when I shudder to go out on the streets, let alone walk into a major shopping complex. And I live in what is known as "the most isolated city in the world"! Imagine what it would be like in the big cities of the world. Stressful and frantic energies seem to surface at this time of the year for the average and affluent population of the western world. We get ourselves caught in a frenzy of spending and over-consumption. People rush around, pushing and shoving, buying up endless consumable goods to partake in this commercialism of Christmas.

As any true Christian will tell you, Christmas is sacred, as the real meaning of Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Christ (though the exact date of his birth is very unlikely not the 25th Dec). Christ along with many great spiritual  masters of our times, lived, taught and espoused unconditional love, oneness, giving, forgiveness and peace.

So while we can embrace and celebrate this time of the year as a joyous and happy event, let us not lose our perspective and get too caught up in the materialism and commercialism of the festivities. It is a wonderful opportunity where good friends and family may gather together to connect, share and catchup. Some some may return home from long trips far and wide, others may find time to partake in foods, laughter and play together - and share joy and fun in giving each other gifts.

In amongst all this joyous activities that we are fortunate to partake in, let us always try and remember, be conscious, aware and practice - the true spirit of Christmas. The spirit of oneness and unconditional love extends not just to our immediate family and friends that we are celebrating with. It includes all of life on planet earth, all other humans, animals, plants and our natural environment. When we purchase gifts galore, and foods that spill out of our refrigerators, let us learn to be modest and somewhat frugal - do we really need more than too much? Before we reach out to purchase the third expensive present for our beloved offspring, let us stop and reconsider - does he/she really need that too? In purchasing material gifts and foods, let us make conscious choices based on how the goods and foods are sourced and obtained. Are they 'fair trade' where products were sourced and manufactured through ethical means? where other humans were not exploited and harmed in their making. Better still, buy from and support your local crafts maker and organic farmer's markets. Are they cruelty free? where countless animals have not been tortured, tested and killed. Are they environmental and sustainable? Nature is limited and diminishing even as we celebrate, if we do not remain conscious in our choices of spending. The amount of increased spending on consumables, packaging and discarded wastes triples and quadruples over the festive season in the affluent west, so our choices have effects on our environment. Are we giving others a gift of health? with natural ingredients or are we giving hidden toxins and synthetic substances in foods and products?

In celebrating, before we fill ourselves up excessively with foods and wine (to the point of bursting), let us remember those who never ever had a Christmas, those who have hunger in their stomachs, not just on Christmas day but every day. To restrain ourselves from over indulging does not curb our joy but is a small honor for those less fortunate. Instead of material consumable gifts, perhaps gifts of services, education and awareness are a better choice. For many that we often find "have everything and too much" perhaps gifts in the form of a donation or voucher to an aid abroad or nature conservation foundation is a wise option. Many organizations such as Oxfam, Unicef, World Vision, Rotary, WWF, etc. have vouchers where we can buy a 'goat', 'seed' or a rehabilitation program for a rescued turtle - all nicely gift certificated.
The spirit of giving and unconditional love does not have to take the form 'purchasing'. Giving time, love and sharing joy and happiness may extend to giving a little something to or lending a hand at a Christmas event for the homeless, the women's refuge, the orphaned and injured animals shelters, planting some seeds and tress etc.- all are true forms of unconditional giving. Giving more time, attention and presence to each other, hugs, laughter and connection, being forgiving, open and accepting, are all in line with the peaceful spirit of Christmas.

Finally, let us remember that while is it a ritual and a celebration, the true spirit of Christmas is that it is our true innate nature that should shine every day, not just on a particular assigned day. Every day should be a celebration within our hearts for the beauty and gift of life. Every day let us bear gratitude in our hearts for all that we are and have. Every day let us connect and consciously work to make this world a better place for all that live upon it. Every day let us also continue to give back to Mother Earth and all the elements, that provide and sustain life on earth. Every day let this peace be the core of our being.

May you have a conscious, joyous and peaceful holiday season :-)

With Love, Light and Blessings,

 Patsie Smith is a spiritual author, remedial massage therapist, energetic kinesiologist, yoga and meditation teacher.