Saturday, 26 October 2013

Healing Emotional Wounds

                                                 "May I hold myself with compassion,
                                                            As I forgive and let go.
                               May I meet the ignorance and suffering of others with compassion,
                                                            As I trust and let go.
                                                                  - Patsie Smith

Dear all,

As you journey on this wondrous path of human living, it is inevitable that you may become the casualty of emotional wounds at one time or another. For you are an emotional being - part of the joys and gift of being alive. The emotional brain is your limbic system, a primitive part of the brain that has evolved for survival and growth. When you feel emotions, whether mild or intense, rapid or prolonged - all physiological effects occur in your body. Hormones and chemicals are produced into your bloodstream, blood pressure rises, breathing rates increase, muscles contract, vital energies are shunted away from your internal organs toward peripheral limbs ready for fight or flight. If emotions are intense, the physiological effects are intense. If emotions are prolonged, the physiological effects kick into chronic overdrive. Except in cases of rapid emergencies, where thoughts are by-passed initially, almost all emotions include a simultaneous cycle of thoughts. If you entertain and allow the thoughts to be of negativity, disempowerment, fear or destruction - this will continue to feed into the vicious cycles of emotions. This creates an endless loop of emotions - thoughts - more emotions - more thoughts - ........until they become uncontrollable, embedded into your subconscious, or until they spiral out of control, to total break down, or total explosion!

Emotions are carried and stored in every part of your body from rigidity, postural misalignment, blockages to energy flows, to memories in every single cell of your body. This coupled with the simultaneous subconscious planting of a thought or belief system in your brain creates an auto pilot response in both mind and body that continues to drive you through out your life, if you are unconscious to break out of it. For example, if when you were a child, you were constantly beaten and punished for petty misbehaviours and then told "You are a bad child, good for nothing" - that program gets locked into your subconscious and cellular memories. For some it might not be as obvious a dysfunction, perhaps as a child you perceived yourself as being loved less than your siblings, or felt and believed you were unwanted and abandoned when one of your parents left home and never returned. You can spend endless time analyzing, discussing, blaming and trying and find the answers to all your emotional pains - but that will just drain your energies, use up precious present time and keep fueling that busy, already patterned brain that keeps believing the same chatter.

True healing from emotional wounds involves transcendence. This involves a few processes:

1) Self-realization - this might sound irrelevant if you are stuck in a pattern of disempowerment, for your perception is that the other persons, the situation, or life itself is to blame. You are merely the victim. You fail to see that it is your very own destructive subconscious and energetic patterns that have attracted and continued this pattern throughout your life. Self-realization involves an awakening within you to the reality of who you truly are i.e. a spiritual being having a human experience. It becomes profoundly clear to you that as much as your wounds are painful, they are your reason for being here, and your true journey in life is to learn and evolve into your ultimate spiritual self.

2) Having realized your own empowerment and lesson to learn in this lifetime, you make the conscious and courageous choice to step out of the pattern that imprisons you by:

Releasing safely all relevant emotions i.e. feeling it and experiencing it physiologically through every single cell of your body viz. crying, aches & pains, nausea, headaches, memories. Being conscious and aware, you process these turbulence with strength and compassion while staying anchored in the reality which you have realized in Step 1).
Along with Step 1) also comes the innate wisdom and knowledge that helps you to see profoundly the lessons of growth beneath each wound, hence the opportunity to reprogram your body and mind on a new slate.You feed your brain every day, hour or minute with empowering affirmations to rewire new neural pathways.

Finally, after the turbulence or the emotional release storm is over, and the 'dust settles' you will find yourself drained, but profoundly at peace. For you have emerged out of the storm with a lighter body and a new thought pattern. You no longer carry that baggage in your mind and body. You are ready to move forward, recreate and enjoy!

Step 1) is crucial as without your inner shift in spiritual awakening, you will only have the capability and strength of a limited human, which is insufficient for transcendence. But the awakening of your inner spirit beyond this limited mind and body is the key to going beyond human strength and wisdom.
When you cut yourself, you naturally wash the dirt and blood off the wound, then dress it with antiseptic etc. to allow it to heal. If you leave your wound unattended it may fester, grow, get infected filled with pus, possibly poison your blood through septicemia. Likewise to leave emotional wounds unattended will eat you up on the inside despite sabotaging your outer lives from happiness and peace. You need to wash all that 'blood and dirt' off your emotional wounds by releasing and purging. Then dressing it with new thought patterns and wisdom that are already innate within your higher Self.

Healing is a gift, for it is through such that you have the opportunity to grow stronger and wiser and open up the doors to new frontiers that you have the power to create, as a spiritual being on a human journey.

Thanks for connecting.
Love and Blessings to you all,
Patsie Smith